The No-Pairing-Off Challenge

I will not make myself a "couple" with another person. I respect our friendship too much.
I will bring the focus and the fun away from the "couples" in my group, providing a good time for everyone else who--like me-- feels uncomfortable.
I will develop healthy friendships with everyone, but save the special period of courtship for the time when I want to be married.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

How to Play Fugitive!

This is one of the funnest games I've ever played. It doesn't have to be a group date, it can just be a friend thing, but it would make one fun date! (But remember, no going off with only your date, that's dangerous.)

The point of the game is to run from one central place (ie a school) to another central place (ie local store) while other players--or parents :D -- chase the runners in cars. 
The rules are simple, no taking major roads, no cheating, runners get a several minute head start, and you must make it to your final destination in under 45 minutes. 
Fugitive games always take place at nighttime or anytime when it’s dark. Jumping into random yards, hiding in bushes, and trying to camouflage in shadows are the norm. 
The runners usually win as it only takes one runner to constitute a victory for the runners. 
The drivers typically have another person riding with them in the car. Their job is to jump out and tag the runner or call out his/her name if they are clearly identifiable. Once a runner is tagged or called out, they join the driver and ride in the car until the end of the game.

Pop Songs and True Love

In Taylor Swift's "Blank Space" she raises some interesting points. It's as if she takes society's idea of love and portrays it through phrases such as...
"Love's a game, wanna play?"
"Magic, madness, heaven, sin"
"I'm dyin' to see how this one ends."
"You can tell me when it's over if the high was worth the pain."
"Boys only want love if it's torture." 
 "It'll leave you breathless or with a nasty scar."  
But how do you want your relationship to be like? Do you really want it to be a "Hey, you're a guy (or a girl)! Lets see if we can live together and get along!"? Or do you want something you know could last forever?

I still listen to pop music, it's fun! But I try to recognize the messages that it's sending about love and combat that message.

So now, imagine your ideal relationship. Imagine your ideal spouse. Now, think of a song that you think perfectly illustrates that relationship, or that person and put it in the comments below.

Also, if you'd like, consider where your at with relationship's right now and come up with a song for that as well. Feel free to post anything (appropriate) that you find in the comment thread.